19 week old India, weaning the dummy and the Snoo

I had a 15 min evaluation call with Isabel when India was 12 weeks old. Things were going well but mum was worried about the 4 month progression and also wanted advice on moving her out of her Snoo bassinet and removing the dummy.

Mum then booked in the Complete Support Package when India was 19 weeks old and ready to move into her own cot. She had passed through the 4 month progression and was now waking numerous times at night needing the dummy to be replaced!

After ensuring India’s new sleep environment and set up was perfect, we moved her out of the Snoo bassinet into her cot, removed the dummy and introduced a consistent settling method to help her learn to settle off to sleep independently.

In just one short week India was settling herself to sleep for all naps and bedtime, taking her long 2 hour lunch nap, and had even begun sleeping through the night (11-12 hours) without a feed! Mum was so happy and left this lovely review…

“Our little girl was a good sleeper however she heavily relied on the dummy and her Snoo bassinet. We hit the 4 month regression and after having to replace her dummy several times at night and difficulties getting her down, we knew things had to change. That's when I booked the Complete Sleep Support package with Carly.

We transitioned her to the cot & took away the dummy at the same time and within the first 2 days, she was already sleeping better than when she had the dummy & snoo. She even slept through the night a couple of times during the 7 days.

My favourite part of the package was the daily support. Carly would check in on us a few times a day and give us feedback on how we were tracking. I honestly couldn't have done it without her.

This has been the best thing we've ever done for India & for ourselves and I feel confident with any future sleep problems and sleep regressions.

India is a completely different baby, she is so content and the happiest she has ever been.

Thank you Carly, forever grateful x”